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Network ESC Standing Strong Amidst COVID-19

Network ESC

It's no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an immeasurable impact on public health, politics, global economics, culture, and social relations. Network ESC is committed to leading a highly conscious social, economic, and public health posture amidst the challenges we're facing. We remain dedicated to supporting our healthcare and business partners in ensuring that we remain safe and have access to the resources, medical treatment, economic, and social supports necessary to get us through these difficult times. We encourage everyone to take proper preventative measures to minimize risk of exposure, implement appropriately-suited precautions, and come together in-lieu of the recommended social distancing. We are only as strong as the ties that bind us as a human community. Fighting the Coronavirus depends on you. Let's all do our part. Remember, stay positive, be smart, and, although socially distanced, let's remain connected in love, spirit, and our efforts to combat the pandemic.

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