Management consulting is working with businesses to improve their performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. We work with businesses across a wide range of sectors, including business strategy, finance, HR and marketing. In basic terms, our role as the consultant is to provide our clients with an audit of current procedures, recommendations for improvement and an action plan for implementation.
Companies often give management consultants difficult problems to solve. For example, a client might wish to know how to restructure the organization to be able to adapt more readily to change, which financial policies to adopt, or what the most practical solution is for a problem in compensation, morale, efficiency, internal communication, control, management succession, or whatever else. Very often the client needs help most in defining the real issues. A useful consulting process involves working with the problem as defined by the client in such a way that more useful definitions emerge naturally as the engagement proceeds.
Much of management consultants’ value lies in their expertise as diagnosticians. Competent diagnosis requires more than an examination of the external environment, the technology and economics of the business, and the behavior of nonmanagerial members of the organization. The consultant must also ask why executives make certain choices. As the process continues, managers naturally begin to implement corrective action without having to wait for formal recommendations. In any successful engagement, the consultant continually strives to understand which actions, if recommended, are likely to be implemented and where people are prepared to do things differently.
Network ESC provides a broad range of professional services support in Accounting, Finance, Banking, Information Technology, Business Intelligence, Marketing, Human Resources, Healthcare, Legal, Engineering and Applied Science and Executive Leadership. Whether you are seeking interim CFO support, require on-site Data Science Research and Analytics Project Teams, or Contract Litigation Attorneys, our professional services practices are geared to customize solutions for your needs.
